Pray for Mass Media ministries in Japan

May 2: Church websites have become one of the primary ways that pre-Christian Japanese find their way to local churches. Over 2,300 churches have their own websites. Some Japanese are going on the internet to find ways to commit suicide. Others are finding life and salvation.

May 3: Pray that through the radio and TV broadcasts, Christians will be strengthened and people will be led to local churches. The Japan New Media Missions Association is actively preparing for a satellite broadcasting ministry.

May 4: Pray for the work of Life Line. It was started by evangelical Christians, and has expanded to become a broader tool for helping people with various needs even suicide prevention. Many of the volunteer staff are Christian.

<A story from Life Line ministry>

“It seemed that I had a good marriage, but it failed. Then as the Japanese economy got worse, so did my life. The man I was living with went bankrupt. He tried to work hard to start his business up again, but instead he died. I lost the home I was living in, and his son disappeared with all the money that was left.

Feeling alone and helpless, I headed for the famous suicide cliffs. I knew that if I jumped into the ocean, my miserable life would end immediately. But I was afraid. As I approached the cliffs, I saw a sign, ‘If you need help, call Life Line‘. I called the number, and soon a Christian pastor arrived and took me to a nearby church. Indeed it was a Life Line. I not only found help for continuing my life here, but I also found eternal life.”

Pray for the many Japanese who contemplate suicide. Pray that churches and progras like Life Line will be used to bring eternal life to those in despair.

May 5: Pray for the work of Friendship Radio, with nationwide 24-hour programming through a cable radio system. Pray that many will be touched by this ministry.

<A story from radio ministry>

“When I was in my twenties, I listened to cable radio all the time. One day I happened to tune into Friendship Radio, and heard a Christian program. Through that program I became interested in Christianity. I wrote in to the station and they introduced me to a church in my city. It was there that I found Christ as my Savior.”

*All information and prayer requests taken from “Operation Japan -Prayer Guide- Third Edition” -Japan Evangelical Missionary Association, 2005. To purchase a copy of “Operation Japan” book or the Interactive CD version, go to:

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