I had a talk with JEMS missions director this week, and we have some exciting news to announce. Because our outgoing funds have been completely raised, and additional funds have continued to be given by our generous supporters, we have been officially cleared for a departure date of March 27, 2013!
What this means is that JEMS has given us permission to depart on that date, and it will be up to us to make the final decision on whether or not we will go. Even though our outgoing one time costs have been met, we still have around $1,700/month in monthly commitments that needs to be raised to meet our full budget. We will prayerfully make our final decision at the beginning of March when we see how many people have begun supporting by the end of February.
We are very encouraged by all that God has done to provide additional support over the last few months, and also by the many promising avenues through which He seems to be working even now. He has always provided for all of our needs, and we are continuing to trust that He will do so in the future. Please pray for us that God will give us wisdom to know His will, faith to trust Him, and for His provision of new monthly financial partners this month.