In 2015 we started our third year of ministry in Japan! It has been a year of transition for us personally, as well as for much of the ministry that is happening in our part of Japan. In answer to our prayers, this past March David graduated from language school and was invited to serve as an intern at our church in Morioka. Meanwhile throughout the prefecture, vic-tims of the 2011 Tsunami finally began moving into permanent housing, and as a result the ministry to reach out to these people is shifting. In the midst of these changes, new church-planting efforts are starting again for the first time in decades. Yet as we look forward with joy and anticipation to being involved in this ministry in the near future, we find ourselves needing additional financial support.
June — We moved! God provided a new, larger home with cheaper rent!
Summer — First home service in US, reporting back to 9 partner churches!
September — Safely returned to Japan to start an internship at Morioka Bible Baptist Church
Doors Opening Ahead of Us
We came to Japan believing that God was working through the tragedy of the 2011 Tsunami, to reveal Himself to the people of Iwate. Our hope and prayer was to see new church-es stadrted among the coastal cities which were almost totally untouched by the gospel. By God’s grace we are now seeing this begin to happen, and have received multiple requests to help with church-planting or re-planting efforts in the coastal cities. We are prayerfully considering where God will have us serve in the future, but first we will be serving at our receiving church in Morioka for 2 years in order to gain much needed experience in working with Japanese Churches. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity, as well as for the doors God continues to open here in Iwate.
Support Needs
This year we are prayerfully seeking to raise an additional $6,500 in year end giving. Since we arrived in Japan the monthly gifts we’ve received have been below what is needed to cover all our expenses. However, each year God has graciously pro-vided through special gifts, so that we have been lacking in nothing. Without these needed year-end gifts we would eventually have to return to the US for support-raising, potentially interrupting the much needed work we in which we are engaged, here in Japan. God has faithfully provided for us since we arrived in Japan and we trust He will continue to do so according to His will. As 2015 draws to a close, perhaps He will lead you to share in what He is doing here in Japan through a special year-end gift. All gifts given to JEMS on our behalf are tax deductible.
Each month we’re currently receiving about $1,000 less than needed in order to remain in Japan long term.
Previous Year Giving: 10/2014 – 10/2015
Gifts Received: $68,107
Expenses*: $72,804 Reserve Funds Used $ 4,697
*Expenses include not only our salary, but also administrative fees to JEMS, employment taxes and ministry expenses. This year ministry ex-penses were significantly higher than normal due to the travel costs of returning to the US for home service.
Thank you!
Many of you have already given much towards this minis-try, not only financially, but also in the pouring out of your hearts in prayer for us and the people of Japan. We cannot thank you enough for the encouragement you have been in our lives, and for your contribution to bringing the gospel to one of the least reached prefectures in one of the least reached countries of the world. Each day we see more clearly the need for more workers here in Japan, and God has put in our hearts the desire to serve as one of those workers. We are already beginning to see Him work in new and amazing ways, and with your continuing partnership and God’s provision we hope to see even greater things done in His name in the future.