Exams, Exams, New Baby, Exams

On Monday, I took 2 exams testing my knowledge of Japanese grammar, and ability to listening ability, and wrote an essay. The essay topic was on whether or not I thought students should be permitted to use their smart phone dictionary in class (I argued that it was, based on the fact that buying an electronic dictionary costs around $400, while the Google Translate app on my phone is free). Tuesday continued with vocabulary, kanji and reading comprehension. In two weeks I’ll take the 4 hour long, 3 part N3 Japanese Language Proficiency Exam, so in preparation for that, today I spend the first three hours of class taking three practice tests once again going over grammar, vocabulary, kanji, and reading comprehension.

It’s been a little bit of a rough transition going back to being a full time student after being out of school for ten years, and learning Japanese is significantly more challenging to me than my computer and Bible classes I took at Master’s. And yet, we are here to share with people the hope of salvation through Christ Jesus, something that is impossible to do unless I can actually communicate with people. Praise God that little by little my Japanese ability is progressing. While I am still far from where I need to be, I feel that I’ve also come a long way from where I was a year ago. Thank you for praying for us as we go through this process, thank you for your long term investment in us, in patiently supporting us through this vital period of preparation for a life time of service here in Japan.

Tomo is officially into her third trimester, and is furiously researching every conceivable baby gadget, tool, and necessity. She’s determined that American baby products are largely superior to Japanese ones, so about half of what we’ll be getting will be coming from the States. She’s feeling pretty ambitious, and is even tossing around the idea of cloth diapers. We’re both really excited about the prospect of having a new baby girl in our home, and also totally exhausted at the mere thought of it. Tomo’s due date is three days before my Fall exams. Please be praying for us to be able to cope with all the preparations, and for a safe and healthy delivery in September!

Goodbyes, Ministry and Learning Japanese

OK, so a lot has happened since our last prayer update, so I’ll just jump right in. The event with the former terrorist who became a missionary to Japan went really well. Thank you for your prayers! He also shared at some of our Bible Studies, and at a college class which Pastor Kondo teaches, and at all opportunities we had good turn outs, and great times of sharing.  Please be praying that those who heard the message would be challenged to seek the sort of change that Christ can bring about in their lives change which can only be brought about through being born again.

The Ballinger family, our friends, neighbors and fellow missionaries serving at Morioka Church left to go on home service back in the UK. (That’s Titus with their son up top). They’ve had a tremendous impact on the church here and did so much to help us get settled in and connected ever since we arrived last year, they will be dearly missed. God has opened the door for them to work in Tokyo after they return to Japan, which is about 6 hours south of us by car, so we won’t get to see them too often. Please keep them in prayer as they’re doing a lot of traveling on their way back home to the UK.

James Ballinger was coordinating the monthly English Cafe that we have been helping with since last Summer, and so in his absence we’ve agreed to take over his role and keep it going. We had our first one since they left last night. The turnout was pretty low, with only a few people from the church showing up, and no one from outside the church attending as usual, but everything went pretty smoothly for our first time heading it up, and we’ll do a lot more to promote next month’s 4th of July themed Cafe, trusting that God will continue to use this event to reach out to people throughout our city.

Tomo’s just had a checkup, and as has been the case throughout, everything with her pregnancy is completely normal, praise God! In case you missed it somewhere, we’re expecting a baby girl, somewhere around September 16th. Tomo’s belly is getting pretty large, and often get’s in her way, and she’s been pretty uncomfortable lately. Right now it’s the rainy season, but shortly Summer will be in full swing and it will probably get pretty hot humid. Our apartment is not equipped with AC, so it’s won’t be the most comfortable place to be 9 months pregnant. Please pray for us to be able to get through the remainder of the pregnancy as easily as possible, and for a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Looking ahead I’ve got a lot of Japanese tests the last week of June and the first of July. Please pray that I will be able to pass them and continue to progress. I think I’m still about on track for meeting all my language goals that I set on the outset, but these tests will give a pretty good indication if that’s the case. As this point I’m getting pretty good at understanding what people are saying, and can usually give adequete and sufficient answers to questions I’m asked. Carrying an extended conversation or sharing from the Word still requires a significant amount of preparation beforehand, but I continue to practice a little every week at Wednesday prayer meetings.

Thank you for your prayers and support! It’s a busy time of life for us, but whenever we take the time to stop and look at what God is doing we excited to see all the ways He’s working. Pray that we can find time to do that more often!