Prayer for Iwate

The prefecture of Iwate, where we will be moving in less than two months to begin ministry, continues to face many challenges. I read a recent report about the survivors in the Tohoku region (of which Iwate is a part of) that said that there are still 305,000 tsunami survivors that are essentially homeless, living in temporary housing. Reuilding has been going very slowly over the last 2 years, and the government has only completed 40 out of a planned 23,000 houses that were supposed to be built for the survivors. Meanwhile the Japanese Churches located in Iwate, though few in number, are continuing to minister to these survivors, even as many NGOs and short term missionaries begin to pull out.

As noted in the slide above, there were 0 missionaries working in Iwate prior to the Tsunami. For now, there are about 20 missionaries seeking to help reach Iwate’s 1.3 million people, over 99% of whom have no relationship with Jesus Christ. As thousands in Iwate continue to live day to day in temporary housing situations and an uncertain future, pray that many will turn their hearts towards God, and find in Him the peace and security that only a relationship with Christ can provide.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the churches and missionaries ministering to these people, that they would have wisdom, sensitivity, boldness and compassion to meet their emotional and spiritual needs.
  • Pray that churches will be started in each of the 17 unchurched towns.
  • Pray that all churches in Iwate will shine brightly and become visible, attractive presences in their communities.
  • Pray that God will provide for all of our needs as we prepare to go and join with the Japanese and international Christians in Iwate who faithfully proclaiming the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.