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Packing for Japan
Garage sale to get rid of what we can’t take with us
Boxes ready for shipping
Our new home in Japan!
David enters language school
Gettting to know Pastor Kondo and his family
A beautiful pond near our house
Nearby Mt. Iwate
Cherry blossoms in the spring
This is a small neighborhood shinto shrine near our church
Annual memorial service to remember church members who have passed away and are now with the Lord
A Summer Festival in Morioka
Hanging with the other Robisons in Iwate
Dave’s cousins came to visit!
Looking out over our new city
Visiting temporary housing
Titus with his Great Grand Parents
Titus discovers rain
The Tokyo Tower
Titus with his cousins
Playing ground golf at a Kasetsu
Water fight with kids in temporary housing
Titus and Aquila with “Ji Ji” (Grandpa)
And “Ba Ba” too!
The Kamaishi Mascots
A Buddhist temple
Visitors to the temple burn incense for good luck
During the warm months, bike’s are a convenient way to get around
Grandpa came to visit from America
And grandma too!
English Cafe at Iwate University
Children’s service at church
Iwate Castle site in the fall
The colors were spectacular
Taking Titus to McDonalds for his 2 year old birthday!
Titus’ birthday party
Our first Family vacation in Japan
Titus thinks he’s snowboarding
Visit from one of our supporting families!
Christmas children’s program at church
Titus is getting used to the snow
Family idols and shrines being sold at the hardware store around New Years
Always praying! To God be the glory,you’re there!