April Opportunities

May 31 is coming up fast, which is our deadline to reach 50% of our promised monthly support. At the begining of March we were at 27%. By the end of March God brought us all the way to 36% leaving us 14% to go in order to make this deadline. As always we are confident that God will work out His will. If it is for us to go to Japan to serve with SEND within the next year, then we trust He will provide that increase. We’re praying to reach 43% by the end of April, and 50% by the end of May. And there are certainly a lot of opportunities for that to happen! Please be praying for the following:

Prayer Requests

  1. There are 12 families that we are hoping to meet with to give updates about Japan or to share for the first time. Almost all of them have expressed an interest in hearing about what we’re going to be doing, please be praying that we would be able to get appointments to meet with as many of them as possible in April, and all of them by the end of May. Pray that as we share, God will give wisdom to those we share with, and that if He desires them to partner with us He will put it into their hearts and encourage them to do so.
  2. There are also two churches, and one conference of churches that are currently considering supporting us. Please pray for these church leaders, that God would give them discernment, and that He would open up doors for effective partnership between us and these churches.
  3. From April 25 – May 2 we’re going to be visiting Texas, Oklahoma and Chicago to speak with familes and churches in those areas. This will be our first out of state trip, and Titus’ first trip ever. Please pray for safety, endurance, good time’s of fellowship with old friends, and that God would raise up new partners and supporters in these areas.
  4. This week I’m back to working full time for two weeks before we leave for Texas. This means that we have a very full schedule this month, which puts a lot of stress on our family as I’ll be out meeting with people after work on a regular basis, and Tomo will have to take care of Titus. Pray for perseverance and strength from God to get us through these next two months.
  5. NEW – On Sunday, April 22 there is a missions fair at a local church that’s supporting us, and we’re hoping to be able to participate in. Please pray that they’ll allow us to come, even though it’s a bit late, and also that we’ll have many opportunities to share with people at the church. UPDATE: We heard back from the church, we’re officially invited to participate!

As always, we are so very grateful to have your prayers, and your partnership. We’re excited to see what God has done, and even more excited to see what He will do. We’ve been amazed at the reports we’ve been getting from pastors and missionaries serving in Tohoku. God is clearly begining to do something, and we can’t wait to be able to get over there and be a part of it, and know that when God brings us there, you will be a part of it as well!